Friday, July 30, 2010


                  In all essence, we do come to college hoping to find "that special someone". Males come to impress and the females come to dress. These two things only last for such a short period of time. At least until we all become comfortable around the people we see every single day. Utica College is not such a small campus for only being a college, but in time it will seem to be very small! So here are my words of advice....
                         Everyone knows everyone so there is no need to try "creeping". There is no such thing, because there is always someone watching. It is very easy to spot someone from your window without squinting just by knowing how they dress or walk. Ask any upperclassman, they will tell you the same thing. Still, my words of advice must remain separate for male and female. Of course, I will start with the females...

To my wonderful female high school graduates,

I know you think your great looking, you know all you need to know, you want to get your hair and nails done every 1-2 weeks, etc. This will all change when you see the female who looks better to you in your mind, you'll meet another female who knows more than you, you'll realize you won't have enough money all the time to get your hair and nails will all change.

-Loose the overly confident attitude.
There is so much more for you to learn in college about others and mostly yourself. You should remain open to ideas and listening to your advisers. Don't make yourself so susceptible to not asking for help when you need it. Just loose the attitude because it will only get you so far.

-Don't be vulnerable.
These guys will seem all great because now they are "college guys". Upperclassmen guys will appear to be even more attractive. Don't pay them so much attention unless they do something extraordinary to get it because then you will regret it. Every guy you like, maybe 5 other girls like him as well. Just because he is smart and attractive doesn't mean everything he tells you is true.

-Don't become a twin.
Us females love to have a best friend by our sides. We love have someone to go to the bathroom and cafeteria with us on a daily basis. Still, you will soon realize your best friend can become your worst enemy. Remember to always be your own person. You weren't born with them and it is a possibility they won't make it to your future.

-Don't spend the money you don't have.
Unless your parents are rich or high-class, you don't have it like that. It is very easy for us to spend money that we never really had in the first place. The mall will always be there. The guy you like doesn't need to see you in a new outfit everytime you see him.

-Don't let her get the best of you.
It's very easy for females to become jealous and envious. Don't let other females get the best of you. You don't want to feel like you have to "out do" other females. It isn't worth it, because there is always something they don't have that you do. Your not in competition because everyone is there to get their bachelor's and there is enough to go around for everyone. 

For the excited male high school graduates,

Yes, you are finally out of high school and you can meet some more interesting, older and educated females. You want to look your best with your name brand, louis vuitton and gucci belts, polo shirts, and expensive footwear. Here is something you may want to remember....

-Loose the hype.
Don't become so overly hyped about college that you forget what you initially came there for. You are not old enough to drink, it's not okay to stay up till 4am when you have an 8:30 class. Keep your mind focused on your initial goals of leaving in 4 YEARS with your bachelor's. If not, then the same friends keeping you back will only move forward without you.

-Avoid the vulnerability.
You aren't someone to be used by your friends or females on campus. If you have a car, you must remember you don't need to give everyone a ride. People will become your best friend if they know you have a car. Females will expect you to give up more than just your time, don't do it unless you know you can. It isn't all about the ladies.

-Get involved
Many males refuse to get involved in organizations. B.O.N.D. (Brothers On A New Direction) is not the only organization you can become involved in. Also, sports are the only aspect of your college experience. Be able to enjoy everything that captures your interest.

-Make them proud
Remember how important your grades are. Even though it is your first semester, it is not okay to flunk out. The partying and females will ALWAYS be there. You should make sure you put yourself first and your school work to make your family proud of you as well.

ALL IN ALL, everyone should know the opposite sex is there and they will always bet there. In many instances, people find their significant others on the college campus. Others don't have the chance of doing so. Still either way, everything happens differently for everyone. Don't go searching for love and happiness, just let it happen. In the meantime, you should concentrate on schoolwork and improving yourself. So here is my biggest word of advice, "It's 4 years of college, it happens now so enjoy every moment because it will stick with you forever."

Thursday, July 29, 2010

You did it...Or have you yet?

               YOU DID IT! You hear these words in screams from loved ones, written on balloons and repeated over and over inside your head. You did it! Yes, you've graduated from high school, but soon you'll realize this is only such a tiny spec of your life. You didn't do it yet, you are just beginning to do it. It's kind of like only learning to be potty trained. You've learned to crawl in high school and say "goo, gaa or mama", but college will teach you how to be completely potty trained and walk on your own without anyone holding on to you. Still, you are apart of Class of 2010...How does it feel? Great, right!? Now your challenge is to make it class of 2014, because like they say in the beginning. "The person to your right and left freshmen year will not be there when your at graduation..."
                    It was a drag, it was the time of your life, it was full of drama, it was horrible, it was great...we all have our own opinion of what the high school experience was for us. Either way, we all must college is an entire new ball game. It's so easy to fall into the "hype" of being on our own.