Thursday, July 29, 2010

You did it...Or have you yet?

               YOU DID IT! You hear these words in screams from loved ones, written on balloons and repeated over and over inside your head. You did it! Yes, you've graduated from high school, but soon you'll realize this is only such a tiny spec of your life. You didn't do it yet, you are just beginning to do it. It's kind of like only learning to be potty trained. You've learned to crawl in high school and say "goo, gaa or mama", but college will teach you how to be completely potty trained and walk on your own without anyone holding on to you. Still, you are apart of Class of 2010...How does it feel? Great, right!? Now your challenge is to make it class of 2014, because like they say in the beginning. "The person to your right and left freshmen year will not be there when your at graduation..."
                    It was a drag, it was the time of your life, it was full of drama, it was horrible, it was great...we all have our own opinion of what the high school experience was for us. Either way, we all must college is an entire new ball game. It's so easy to fall into the "hype" of being on our own.

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