Saturday, May 1, 2010

Empty Campus, Empty Minds

            It's finally May 2nd, 2010 and the school year is officially coming to a very end in the next couple of days. Everyone's hair is undone, sweatpants and caffeine are your best friends, hands are hurting, computer labs are full, 3-hour laptop wait in the library and there is no time to breath. Finals are coming and if you never heard of pressure, it's here now.
            After the completion of all finals, bags, storage bins, trucks, vans and cars are packed to capacity. All the rooms are back to having only a desk, dresser, closet and bed. The relief of pressure is gone and the excitement of summer rushes to you. Still, Utica College seem to be forgetting one thing.
            Even though you are not enrolled in classes for the summer, does not mean your brains should be on pause. Every single hall and classroom of Hubbard is empty, but is your mind too?
                Summer vacation for most college students are full of working or fun. Regardless of your plans for the summer, everyone should remain proactive. Everyone at Utica College has a goal for after graduation. This should be a vacation from stress, but not relief from reality. You are still students and working towards a goal. Most people wait till their senior year to decide on plans for the future.
                As a freshman, you've just completed your first year of college. The excitement is the same as going from high school to college. In many ways, you feel as though you have grown a great deal in only one year. This experience for you has been enjoyable and the sight of reality may have not hit you as hard. Your sophomore year will be more difficult in course loads. The 100 and 101 courses are going further and further away from you. You should make a 3-year plan of the courses necessary for graduation. Many people end up going into their 5th year of college. Why wait, when this is your chance to be on top of things before the real stress begins.
                As a sophomore, you have grown almost completely. Your past two years have went by so quickly. It's hard for you to even realize your junior year in college is here. Well, you are at a perfect time. You may not have as much fun as you did as a freshman or even a sophomore year. You should have chosen a major and know the exact requirements for graduation. You should evalute your performance in courses for the past two years. Be able to see what you need to change in study habits or time management. These two aspects will be essential to your next two years.
                As a junior, you feel like you've "been there, done that." Yes, YOU ARE A SENIOR. There are some things you should be able to understand. First off you should realize, in ONE (1) year, you will be out in the real world. If you don't already, you should have a plan for after graduation. The Office of Career Services should be your best friend. Open a credential file, fix or add to your resume, make a cover letter and receive your personalized business cards. For the next year, you shouldn't only succeed in every class. You should be looking for career fairs on campus and off, applying for internships this summer and so on.Find out what is going to help you stand out above the rest applying for jobs or graduate school. There is no time for you to waste on the little aspects of college. The drama for you is out of the window. This is an analogy for being able to fully comprehend you don't have time for anything unimportant but your school work.
                As a senior, THIS IS IT. You've done it. Your college years are over. You may be starting to feel a bit scared due to all the stories on the economy. The only thing a senior needs to understand is you have made it this far, there is no reason to doubt yourself now. Find a job ASAP. Your resume and cover letters should be set in place. From this point on, YOUR life starts. You have to be able to stand on your own two feet. There will be no one holding your hand. People say its easy to loose your motivation after you graduate, but keep it there. Stay positive, because remember the person you were as a freshman till now. They are two different people...
 Despite what year of college we are in, our minds should always be active. Things should not become a blur.

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