Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Party, Party, Party...Let's all get KICKED OUT!

         UC students are the same as most college students when it comes to partying. Everyone wants to enjoy their 4 years of college the best way they can. The partying and freedom on a college campus hasn't benefited everyone. Overall, students seem to forget their original goal of being in college.                
In Vol. 63, Issue 19 of the Tangerine, Danielle Kane wrote an article titled "11% of UC Students Put on Academic Probation" discussing the issue of academic probation on the Utica College campus. It states "Approximately 11 percent of students every semester, whose grade point average fall below 2.0..." According to Steve Pattarani, the dean of Student Success, he claims "It's just over 200 students who are on academic probation per semester."
              In general, this is very sad information for the community. There are a bit over 3,000 students enrolled at UC and a little over 400 students have a GPA of lower than 2.0 ever year. Students fail to realize that after two semesters of academic probation, you can be dismissed from school. There is no one to blame but yourself for your GPA being so low.
               Every student will have their worst semester in college. It should not get to the point where you are forgetting about your priorities. Here are some tips for passing your classes:
  • You don't have to be at all the parties every week from Thursday night to Saturday night
  • Skip at least one party to catch up on your work
  • Put your pride aside and speak to your professors or advisers for extra help
  • Request a tutor for your classes
  • Use a calendar or planner to keep track of all your due dates for homework or upcoming exams
  • Stay away from the people who are distractions to your work
  • You don't have to live in the library, but go there very often
  • Figure out your best place for studying whether it's your room or the library
  • Don't over-study because it will be worse not better for you
  • Read over your notes every night to avoid cramming 
  • Find more time to complete your work during the day to avoid a lack of sleep 
 We all want to enjoy our college experience, but at least put in all your hard work first. You want to get an A socially, by being very active in different organizations. You want to get an A mentally, by experiencing a lot of growth with the transition from high school. You want to get A's academically, by putting all your effort into your classes. Don't only excel in some parts of your experience. Take advantage of all the opportunities around you. You don't want to go through your 4 or 5 years without knowing you didn't do everything you possibly could.
At least if your partying, celebrate your good grades!

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