Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Undercover Haters

                 The term "hater" has continuously been used language, but we don't seem to notice the true haters surrounding us. Then again, they are more behind the scenes. They are "undercover".
                   As we think back, everyone remembers "Angela Smith". This was apparently a Utica College student, who made a fake facebook account. They took it upon themselves to expose gossip from campus drama. Everyone was appalled and shocked by these accusations. People stayed near their sidekicks and laptops to see what he or she will post next. Rumor after rumor destroyed relationships, friendships and personal integrity. Students tried as hard as possible to put two and two together trying to figure out who was responsible. Eventually, you saw papers on the front of Strebel Student Center's doors asking about any available information. Of course, there were false assumptions on certain people. In the end, it all died down until another "Angela Smith" account was made. There was more exposure and hurtful statements made about students. Till this day, no one is absolutely positive about who did it or if these statements were true. The rumors floated away and UC students moved on.
                   As much as we hate to admit it, these people can be our very friends. Everyone would become surprised with a huge incident like the facebook account. Still, we don't seem to realize we are surrounded by "haters" on a daily basis. We may be telling our best friend private information, then they tell their other best friend, and the cycle continues. Undercover haters are surrounded by you on this campus constantly. You can not be surprised about huge incidents, because it happens right in front of your face in smaller portions. Rather than accusing others of being "haters", we should think about whether or not we are giving something to talk about. You shouldn't spread your business loosely and expect things to remain a secret. Maybe in actuality the we are our own undercover hater.
                    Still, the most perplexing thing is why do these people have to hide their identity? We wonder to ourselves, what could they possibly be gaining? For a person to create a fake e-mail address, fake facebook account and spend time writing rumors, we wonder are you passing your classes? There are so many questions for the people who hide their identity to expose others. These may be the same people with a bad reputation trying to take the attention off of themselves. We may be giving them something to talk about, but these people have no right to prey into people's business anonymously.
                    As the relieve comes off our shoulders about Angela Smith, we enjoy our twitter accounts on the blackberries and iphones. Then, here comes "YouGotBlownUp". Someone creates a fake twitter account exposing more gossip. He or she has decided to tell everyone to send them a personal message if they would like to tell someone's "dirt". Who in their right mind would send information to them knowing they could possibly tell the public about the message. Obviously, they are coming up with these accusations all on their own. Why should we entertain these people?
                     Now, it goes both ways. Regardless if the information is accurate or not, there is no right for anyone to post information about our private lives. The "Honesty Box" and "Formspring" isn't any different than the fake accounts. People are asking you questions about your life. People are telling you things that they can't say to your face. Yet, everyone goes around calling themselves "trustworthy" and "real". Again, we entertain the gossip. When someone asks you personal questions on formspring, no need to post them on facebook or twitter. We are constantly giving people ideas about us. Your facebook statuses and tweets are a reflection of who you are. People will only know what you tell them.
                       I've heard of other colleges having the same issue. Still, you should be aware Utica College is a very small campus. What you tell one person may actually be telling 3 other people. We don't seem to realize the undercover haters could be the person always next to us. We shouldn't give them something to talk about. Remember your best friend is your worst enemy.

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